Announcing Our Strategic Partnership With ReBaked
We at Harmony Launcher are proud to announce our recent strategic partnership with reBaked, A team of industrial veterans who are building a set of governance, management, and operations tools for Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) and Web 3.0 ecosystems.
This partnership would play a crucial and pivot role in Harmony Launchers development as it would not only expose us to various crypto communities but also help us utilize the power of Rebaked’s Product “Pioneer” to initiate our initial launch successfully.
“The reBaked project is proud to have Harmony on board as the incorporation of the Harmony Launcher platform will offer all community members vast opportunities.
The inclusion will also allow reBaked to host the first ever IDO and IGO platform on Harmony, incubate quality projects willing to build on Harmony, and will integrate an AMM DEX for all members to rely on.
The launch is an important step for integrating major blockchains within the reBaked platform framework and showcasing the capabilities of the Pioneers service as a versatile and value-generating product offering on the decentralized market.” — Said the Founder of Rebaked.
About Rebaked
Rebaked is an aggregation of industrial veterans share a common aim to develop and enhance the Web3 Community by building a set of governance, management, and operations tools for Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) and Web 3.0 ecosystems.
As a part of their ecosystem Rebaked is home to multiple products entitled to serve as a web3 enhancer. They are “RBKD Pioneer, RBKD Build, RBKD CrowdHack, & RBKD Playshare”
RBKD Pioneer
Pioneer is a reverse launchpad that leverages independent knowledge workers to design, launch, and scale Web 3.0 Projects successfully. Pioneer provides diverse support in all aspect from crafting a project from scratch to launching it successfully onto the decentralised realm.
About Harmony Launcher
Harmony Launcher is the world’s first decentralized IGO + IDO Launchpad & Incubator with an integrated AMM DEX built on the harmony Blockchain who’s focus would be on incubating and providing all the fundamental and necessary grounds for startups and projects based on the harmony network to build, raise funds & launch successfully.
Once Harmony Launcher turns out to be a reality, Innovators and startups would have special access to Harmony Launcher’s infrastructure to carry out fair IGO or IDO in the most secure way possible. As harmony launcher is focused on giving crypto & blockchain startups based on the harmony blockchain the best experience in terms of launching their projects.
Harmony launcher would also be a one-stop incubator platform accelerating the growth and development of blockchain startups while giving investors a fair opportunity to invest smartly and securely.
Harmony Launcher is also committed to supporting the defi industry by building a multi-chain Automated Market Maker Decentralized Exchange (AMM DEX), that would provide liquidity for new projects as well as other defi projects without impermanent loss.
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Rebaked Social Media Links
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